Current projects: Submissions welcome!

SPACE LIZARDS OF CANADA (anthology of short fiction)

This collection addresses, but is not limited to, the related themes of Space Reptiles (aka Reptilian Humanoids) and psychopathy. Click on the link below to see a related blog entry:

See also the Links page for related resources.

Most people believe in at least one of these possible phenomena. Each itself could certainly fill many volumes of fiction collection. Here you have both to play with. As stated elsewhere, we especially like psychological fiction, speculative fiction, and science fiction. Your short story can be very short (200 words) to very long (10,000 words). Of course it must be your own work.

Other Themes

We will also consider other types of high-quality fiction with the understanding that a prologue, epilogue, or both, might be added to shape the story to suit the overall Space Lizard theme and story arc.

Red flags: we are not interested in unadorned pornography or excessive violence.

Fresh Blue Ink pays for fiction!

Fresh Blue Ink pays for accepted fiction at the rate of 1/2 cent per word, payable upon publication. All work is subject to copy editing and minor revision, including the title.

Contributing authors are encouraged to provide a brief autobiographic or artistic statement plus a link to their personal website or other related website to be used for promotional purposes (see details below). Fresh Blue Ink reserves the right to edit and reject all such provided material.

Simultaneous submissions are fine if indicated as such. Multiple submissions are okay but please send only your best, most appropriate work.

Once you have submitted your work, please be patient. An acknowledgment of your submission should be sent within a couple of days; the acceptance decision will take considerably longer and is not favourably impacted by repeated inquiries.

Payment is in exchange for exclusive, perpetual, and unlimited Canadian and international publishing rights for the submitted work. The author does retain the copyright. Submission of work indicates an acceptance of these terms, current as of June 1, 2015.

Our authors

Fresh Blue Ink prefers Canadian authors but will consider any exceptional work. Non-Canadian fiction will be edited for Canadianization of spelling and locale. We are open to published and unpublished writers.

Submission format

We prefer work to be submitted as an email attachment. One story per email please. Your story attachment must be saved in either plain text or RTF (Rich Text File) format. The attachment should have a filename consisting of the surname of the author, a hyphen, and then the name of the story, e.g.
Smith - The Continuing Story of the Ellipsis

If your story title is very long or contains special characters not permitted in a filename, not to worry, just present it as best you can. The body of your email will provide the definitive story title.

Each submission should also include the following details in the email:

The name of the author
The title of the work
A short author biography (50 words or less)
A link to the author website or a website where your writing is sold (optional)

The subject line of your email should be the same as the attachment filename.

Send your submission to

Availability of our products; Author perquisites

Our distribution deal with Ingram ensures our works are widely available for retailer, librarian, and consumer purchase. You will be listed as an author for any Fresh Blue Ink book in which your work appears. Following publication of your work, your bio and website link will persist on our web pages unless you request otherwise.